Student Advisor Coordinator

Mark Wing

I work with youth Behavioral and Mental Health in the Ute Mountain Ute Tribal reservation and several elementary, middle and high schools in Cortez and Blanding, Utah. To better support the Towaoc community and youth in school and at home, I collaborate with Sources of Strength in Cortez and the Community That Care Coalition. Together we work to strengthen relationships and help the community to better understand the needs of their youth. 

Other institutions I collaborate with are the Colorado Health foundation, Tiwahe Tour de Ute, Higher Education Department, and the Prevention for Community Wellness: Positive Directions for Native Health Program

Recently I have been referred by the Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Chairman to work with Colorado Commission of Indian Affairs as a board member on the Youth Mental Health Planning Committee, representing the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe. In this position I have had the pleasure to work with the Pinon Project from Cortez, CO, and talented youth producing films later presented at the 2019 AF Entertainment Music Festival. 

In 2018, I held the title TERO Commissioner at the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Tribal Employee Rights Office. The Commissioner oversees Tribal Employee Rights within native owned businesses. Outside companies working on the Ute Mountain Ute Lands must obtain permits through the TERO Commissioners office. The commissioner is also responsible for making sure that outside hired contractors follow the Tribal Hiring policies when hiring for projects.

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Kathryn Jacket - Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC) III